Montessori Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)




We have a PTO table to the left as soon as you enter the front door. Throughout the year, information about PTO events/meetings can be found here. Montessori has an active PTO and we hope you join us by volunteering and coming to the meetings. It is a great way to be involved with your child's school and to meet new people!

What does PTO do?

  • We raise funds to provide support to the school and its wonderful teachers and try to have as much fun as possible with those fundraisers!
  • We host a beginning of the year picnic (held in August) to give families a chance to get to know each other.
  • We host a costume party a Saturday in October.
  • We help keep maintenance costs down by organizing a fall and spring outdoor clean up day.
  • We host four PTO meetings a year. Each meeting has its own topic. We provide babysitting at those meetings so everyone has the opportunity to attend.

PTO Meeting Topics

  • Intro Meeting - Meet your child's teacher
  • November Meeting - Everything you wanted to know about Montessori Kindergarten (multi-purpose room) or the Montessori Elementary program (Elementary classroom)
  • February Meeting - How to Transition from Montessori to Traditional School
  • May Meeting - PTO Board elections

PTO Fundraisers

  • Early October - TBA
  • February - Montessoiree - Held at the Old Post Office, this dinner/dance/auction is a fun adult evening with custom auction items created by Montessori children!
  • Spring Flower Sale - orders due mid-March and delivery of beautiful flowers the first week of May
  • Ongoing fundraisers - Schucks scrip program, Box Tops for Education, Target Credit Cards